Sakile Properties

Sold Properties

Your Perfect Dream Home

Runda Park

Runda Park is a serene modern estate with all the advantages, facilities, and luxuries that come with a high-end gated community. Located in the plush Runda area it boasts greenery and a quiet serene environment. We believe that a gated community should be self-sufficient with all amenities provided within the gated community. Once you are in Runda Park you sit back and enjoy the tranquility, away from the hassle and bustle of the modern city

Love Where You Live

Loresho Ridge

Loresho Ridge is a community with the aim of attracting would-be homeowners Interested in investing in their future. Bearing in mind the different needs and abilities of each potential customer. To this end, we have a range of products that we’re sure will appeal to each person according to their lifestyle and budget


Serene modern estate

High-end gated community

Beautiful greenery

A quiet serene environment

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